Just Sit and Know that ‘YOU ARE’ the ‘I AM’ without Words, Nothing else has to be done; shortly you will arrive at your Natural Absolute State.
It is True that One can attain this ‘INNER STATE’ just by Doing Nothing. It may seem very strange how someone can reach this State which Scriptures call ‘BEING’ by just sitting, doing Nothing. Strange also because we have always been taught and guided to Chant Something or to do Some Rituals for that ‘BEING’.
But, it is paradoxical that the One which is Stationary can only be attained by Becoming Stationary. The mind is never in a state of AT PRESENT. It dwindles between the past and the future. Till the Mind is there, One cannot Witness which is Stationary. So What to do? Just be a Witness to the Mind. As we Witness our thoughts, we find that two thoughts also have a Momentary Gap in-between them. That gap is the ‘STATE’. The seeker has to stabilize himself in this Gap. Go on extending the interval and one day you shall reach the state where there is ‘NO-MIND’.
Sakshi Narendra tells about you just by Name & Age in State of ‘NO-MIND’