Nothing to lose just the Head. The spiritual journey is all about moving from Head to HEART, from thoughts to a state of thoughtlessness, where only the Consciousness remains. Intellect is the only problem in this path of moving Inward.
Intellect never solves anything but makes things difficult. It only puzzles & confuses. Head is like the entire Jungle of criss-cross thoughts that we have gathered from outside. Consciousness is always Virgin – Untouched. It has New Raw Solutions to all the problems that we face in life. But we tend to solve the problems thru’ our Head. So instead of solving the issue, we end up making the problem more complicated. This makes life miserable.
How to listen to your Inner-self is now the Million-dollar Question? One technique that I am sharing today will give you immense insight into solving your life problems. Every night when you go to sleep do this technique, it will work like Magik for you. Just before going to sleep, lie down in your bed on your back, your stomach facing upwards. Put off the lights and close your eyes. Exhale Deeply with a ‘OO’ Sound. Start by Exhalation. Normally, we inhale first & then exhale. Here, you do the opposite. Exhale from your Mouth by making the Sound ‘O’. Your mind will get exhaled thru’ it and then don’t inhale instantly. Allow the body to inhale. Inhale thru the nose but don’t do it, wait, it will happen on its own. Don’t make an effort to inhale. Make every effort to Exhale deeply.
Why we give so importance to Exhale? There is a reason, Life starts with Inhale and ends with Exhale. Meditation is death. We are trying here to die completely so that something which is eternal can come up, can be born. The whole sleep will become death-like, Dreams will disappear. Dreams belong to life, they don’t belong to death. Experience the Magic. You can do this whenever you feel the need to release lust, anger, anxiety, etc.
Contact ‘Sakshi’ Narendra