Life is a vast array of experiences full of diversity. The only way to be happy is to embrace life fully without being judgemental. Some days are bad days. In order to experience true happiness you have to pass through the experience of sadness also. A blackboard is a must if you want to write with a white chalk. A film has to have a villian so that the hero is highlighted as the hero of the movie. When we deny sadness and only expect happiness then we are missing the true experience of life. Expecting or aspiring to live without phases of pain, grief, fear of set back is unrealistic. This is the beauty of life with all its different colours. We might not like every single one of them but they add value in their own way. Lotus can blossom only in the muddy terrains. Sometimes things will just be bad but that is a time that we accept them as they are. Embrace every emotion and enrich your life.