Humanity can never be perfect in any argument or in any principle. Where there is debate, where there is ism, where there is scripture, where there is theory, where there is ideology – where there is a way to break man from man. No ideology can unite man and man. What breaks me and you is the thought. I have one idea, you have another. The break started.
The religions of the whole world talk that we want to unite all. But no religion could unite everyone. Rather, every religion has stood apart by breaking small pieces. Every new religion has a new way of breaking it. It is not possible to connect. Then you have to think about something. What is the process of breaking and joining?
Whenever I organize an idea, organization will start against someone. Whenever thought is organized, it always stands on hatred and stands in opposition. If Islam is organized then against whom? And if Hindus unite then against whom? And if Muslims unite then against whom? And if the communists organize, then against whom? The organization always gathers against someone. Organizations are not made out of love. So far no lovers’ associations have been formed.
All are organizations of haters. Whether they have some names, some slogans, some tricks. But the organization is formed in the enmity of the other. And all the ideologies want to be organized. Whether it is Islam – whatever else it may be. Whether it is Christianity, whether it is Jain, or whether it is Buddhist. Quantity may vary. But when the theory is organized, it becomes a bastion. And that stronghold begins to form its own selfishness. His vested interest starts piling up. And those outside that stronghold become enemies. And fighting those enemies, converting them, converting them, bringing them under your circle, all the work starts.
Then the killing of humanity starts in the interest of humanity. In my view–humanity will be united on the day when there will be no religion on the ground. And every man will be alone. On that day humanity will become one.
Humanity cannot be one as long as there is organization. Humanity cannot be one as long as there is a nation. As long as there is ism — whether Islam — or any other — then humanity cannot be one. Humanity will be one, each individual remains its own fundamental unit. And some people stop trying to organize. Then humanity will become one. Now it is a matter of great interest that those who do the same are the ones who break. Whoever gives the slogan that get together, they are dangerous people. Whenever someone gives a slogan that get together, then one should be careful that this man will create a quarrel. Whether that gathering is by any name–they may say, ‘The believers of Islam should gather together. He says Indians should come together. Whenever he says that people should gather, he will set up the enemy.