Zen Masters advocate knowing one’s beingness as the only authentic Alchemy. To experience the Buddha within is what entering the world of Zen means. This entering is without doors. Outward world needs a door to move from one room to another. Inward journey needs no door, it is a doorless journey. More so, inward Journey is all about becoming totally relaxed. Total relaxation means no activity at all – an absence of all activities. Total stillness, calmness & centering around in one’s own beingness. This centering is the core of Existence. This core is the center of all mysteries. Miracles start happening once the seeker reaches this core. But Zen is only for those who dare to get ready to drop all beliefs, all conditioning of the mind & also ready to leave all philosophical thoughts & are ready to experience the transformation. It requires a purposeful heedlessness & mind well, it is very very difficult to do so. Although, not impossible but definitely difficult. Nothing to lose just the head. This state of experiencing self is to be in Zen & this is Buddhahood. This is timeless, deathless and for that immense courage is what one requires. A journey from mind to no-mind, journey from mortal to immortal self. A journey from Mindlessness to Mindfulness. Journey of Remembrance of your Existence.
‘Sakshi’ Narendra@mysticvision.net