Life is too short to fight and argue with your loved ones, give them love and care as much as you can.
Be the person who cares. Be the person who makes an effort, who loves without hesitation. Losing in love and winning the heart of the opposite person. Be the person who makes people feel seen. Let the love blossom. Let the ego melt. Stay soft and you will find how the Cosmic grants you with abundance.
There is nothing stronger than someone who continues to stay soft in a world that hasn’t always been kind to them. Forget and forgive. Make yourself lighter. You are here to live life and not to carry past baggage. That’s burdensome. Leave it and you will feel so much relief.
Life is something which is to be Lived and not to be judged. Moment you start judging to and for, you are inviting mess in your life. Just be a witness to all the events in life. Just live with awareness. Everything that happened and all that is happening now is to create your future. Don’t try to swim just float. Leave yourself on the running stream of water. Let the water take you where it wants to.
‘Sakshi’ Narendra is a Spiritual Mystic & Life Coach