Take a breath. You don’t have to make the whole thing today. Just laying a few bricks is enough. Most important is to start laying the bricks.
People are going to criticize you. Don’t try to be perfectionist, else you will add to stress and anxiety. You’re going to face obstacles and lot of those obstacles will be other human beings. But you remain in your lane, stay focused. Go on walking. Don’t explain yourself. If you’re looking for an explanation for all the barking you’re hearing, you are in trouble. Let it go, keep working, do your job. Remember the line from Heraclitus : ‘ Character is fate.’ Your approach towards life creates your fate. Who you are and what you stand for will determine who you are and what you do. That’s your character.
You are going to be pulled down by the legs when you are walking up the stairs. Dogs bark at what they can not understand. But you just don’t pay attention and ignore the barking. That character makes your life bit easier.
Build your Character and you are creating your own future.
‘Sakshi’ Narendra is a Spiritual Mystic & Life Coach mystic@mysticvision.net