Friends, Every Problem in life has a solution hidden in the problem itself. No one makes a lock without a key, that is why God won’t give you problems without Solutions. Life won’t give you problems without solutions. Your job is to always be a positive thinker. Always a prosperous thinker. Never in your life be a poverty thinker. No one in his life has ever been prosperous thinking with a poverty Mindset. In order to find solutions to your life problems one needs to keep his eyes, ears & mind open & practice Awareness in life. There are as many innumerable ideas floating in this universe as many atoms. There is no dearth of ideas in this whole universe but for that we need to practice Conscious living.
It happened one day in Paris in the year 2008. Two friends were attending an annual tech conference. They had a nice get together and a sumptuous dinner but on that winter night after the conference ended they were unable to get a cab & an Idea cropped up in their mind…”What if you could request a ride from your phone?”. This single Idea resulted into Uber & they jointly started a cab service initially with three cabs in Los Angeles eventually increasing the fleet to 20 & then to 200. Uber services are now in more than 90 countries and in 800 cities. Uber now has a 71% market share of ride-sharing with the total assets of more than 40 billion US dollars with 4 million drivers world wide. Friends, what I want to share is that our problems are just a miniscule to the infinite potential of the Existence. Because we live an unconscious life we endup with a miserable life.