The word Surrender for most of us has a negative meaning associated with it. It simply implies to give up, accept a being loser, get humiliated, so on and so forth.
However, from a spiritual way of thinking this word makes Life Transformational Sense. In the battlefield of Kurukshetra Lord Krishna says to Arjuna – “सर्व धर्मान परित्यज्य मामेकम शरणम ब्रज”-Means Arjuna you just Surrender. The whole Essence of Religion is to Surrender to “HIS” Will. Surrender to Whom and What to Surrender is now the real question to be asked?
Spiritual Surrender is to let go of all our Mind Patterns, False Ego’s, all the Beliefs which act as Bondages and limit us to touch the Higher Consciousness. Generally, we look at all these as the most Precious Treasures that we have accumulated. But Indian Yogi’s and Mystics give a lot of importance to “GIVE UP” these so-called false beliefs and mind patterns to be able to find the Real Gem hidden INSIDE; to discover our TRUE SELF. It simply means to let go of all the feelings of the smallness of Life. Embrace it Totally – ONENESS.
So, in reality, Surrender is not passive but it is Positive Acceptance of one’s ability in comparison to the vast Consciousness with whom he or she is a part of.
When a person truly surrenders to the Divine, he becomes a part of it. A drop falling in the Ocean becomes an Ocean in its totality. This fills you with a Totality, a Completeness which cannot be explained but can only be Experienced.
Now, the other question arises, whom to Surrender to? One cannot Surrender to The ONENESS unless & until somebody is instrumental in doing so. Few couples were asked to tie a blindfold on the eyes of their partners and asked the one without the blindfold to take them where ever they wanted to. The study showed that just after a few minutes either of them removed the fold from their eyes suspecting distrust on their partner. You need to have someone trustworthy to be able to completely surrender – a soul whom himself has Surrendered Totally; An Awakened Soul. Finding such a Soul is the Biggest Blessing the Universe showers.
‘Sakshi’ Narendra Guides you to a Life Transformational Journey thru’ Balancing of Energies for a Life filled with Material Abundance & Everlasting Happiness. He Guides you thru’ Divine Mystic Vision & Blessings for Spiritual & Worldly Growth showing you practically how to live a life filled with Worldly Success and Prosperity and at the same time being Meditative from within.
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